The neoclassical marginal productivity doctrine freats the factors of production like any commodity. 新古典边际生产率理论把生产要素同任何商品一样对待。
We will increase the size of the national guidance fund for venture capital in emerging industries, leverage the role of innovation in spurring development, move industries up the value chain, and raise the productivity of factors of production. 扩大国家新兴产业创投引导资金的规模,发挥创新驱动发展的作用,促进我国产业从中低端向中高端迈进,着力提高生产要素产出率。
We must ensure that economic growth is in accord with the potential economic growth rate, the ability to supply factors of production, and the bearing capacity of resources and the environment. 必须使经济增长与潜在增长率相协调,与生产要素的供给能力和资源环境的承受能力相适应。
The prices of manufactured products are continuing to fall; the costs of factors of production are on the rise; small and micro businesses are finding it difficult and costly to obtain financing; and the going is tough for some enterprises. 工业产品价格持续下降,生产要素成本上升,小微企业融资难融资贵问题突出,部分企业生产经营困难。
The latter would mean not merely liberalizing product markets but also reforming highly controlled markets for factors of production like land and capital and for energy inputs like oil, water and electricity. 后者不仅仅意味着放开产品市场,还意味着要改革受到高度控制的生产要素市场(比如土地和资本)和能源市场(比如石油、水资源和电力)。
We will promote rational and progressive movement of factors of production between regions and accelerate cross-region economic integration. 促进区域间生产要素合理流动和梯度转移,加快区域经济一体化进程。
As a further supplement, a place must be found as well for the raw materials, tools, machines& in short, for all the factors of production. 作为进一步补充,还应该留出放置原材料,工具,机器&总而言之,放置所有生产要素的地方。
Karl Marx thought that much modern industrial work was essentially dehumanising, reducing people to factors of production. 卡尔。马克思认为现代的工业劳作使人沦为一种生产要素,本质上是不人道的。
The inputs or resources used in the production process are called factors of production. 用在生产过程中的“投入”或者“资源”被称为“生产要素”。
Globalization of production refers to the sourcing of goods and services from locations around the globe to take advantage of national differences in the cost and quality of factors of production. 生产的全球化是指利用生产成本和质量因素的区域差别在全球范围内进行商品和服务的纯源化。
Conditions of ownership of factors of production 生产要素的所有权状况
The traditional clusters in developing countries have to upgrade when they have encountered the rising prices of essential factors of production and the competition from other clusters. 发展中国家传统产业集群面临生产要素价格上升以及其他集群低成本竞争的压力。
Another difference between domestic and international trade is that factors of production such as capital and labor are typically more mobile within a country than across national borders. 国内贸易和国际贸易的另外一个不同点在于:诸如资本、劳动力之类的生产要素在国内更易流动。
The supplies of all factors of production grow over time. 一切生产要素的供应量随着时间的推移在不断增长。
Ultimately, economic growth depends on the supply of the factors of production land, labour and capital and the rate of growth of underlying productivity. 最终,经济增长取决于生产要素土地、劳动力和资金的供给,以及潜在生产率的增速。
The three most important factors of production are labor, land, and capital. 三种最重要的生产要素是劳动力,土地和资本。
Government involvement is generally considered to be detrimental to competition and the optimal allocation of the factors of production. 人们普遍认为政府干预只会对竞争不利,只会有损于生产要素的最佳配置。
Or to the factors of production employed. 也不得与所使用的生产要素有关。
In differentiating international from domestic trade, classical economists stressed the behavior of the factors of production. 在区别国际贸易与国内贸易时,古典经济学家强调生产要素行为的特点。
To achieve intercity factors of production and the effective allocation of resources and integration, promote local economic, social and cultural aspects of all the common development and prosperity. 实现各地方之间出产要素和资源的合理配置与畅通流畅,使经济社会各种资源施铺最大效用以匆匆入各地方经济、社会、文化等全方面的共同发铺与繁华。
The workforce and land are two meat basic factors of production of agriculture. 摘要劳动力和土地是农业两个最基本的生产要素。
The Enterprise Organization Structure Innovation Because of Knowledge-based Factors of Production to Maximize the Efficiency 基于知识性生产要素效率最大化的企业组织结构的创新
As one of the basic factors of production, capital is all of the things that workers use in production and distribution. 资本作为生产的基本要素之一是工人在生产和分销中使用的一切物资。
That is to say, the factors of production of the enterprise create the business value together. 也就是说是企业的生产要素共同创造了企业价值。
The diagnose model for the affecting factors of production decline rate in water flooding reservoirs 水驱油藏产量递减影响因素诊断模型研究
Analysis on Influencing Factors of Production for Creative Agricultural Product in Four Suburbs of Beijing City 京郊四区农户创意农产品生产的影响因素分析
Land,( labor) and capital are the three principal factors of production. 土地,劳动力和资本是三个主要的生产要素。
Workers and other factors of production would be directed freely to produce in perfect accord with consumer preference; 工作的人与其它生产要素会得到免费的指引,去从事与消费者的意欲完全吻合的产出;
In the "long-run", all of these factors of production can be adjusted by management. 长期,所有的生产要素可以通过“管理”来调整。
We will strengthen and improve inter-regional cooperation mechanisms, remove market barriers, facilitate the flow of factors of production, guide the orderly transfer of industries, and promote mutually reinforcing and coordinated economic development among regions. 加强和完善跨区域合作机制,消除市场壁垒,促进要素流动,引导产业有序转移,推动区域经济良性互动、协调发展。